Call for Essay Proposals for Volume on Teaching Twentieth-Century Chinese Women’s Writing

Essay proposals are invited for a volume in the MLA’s Options for Teaching series entitled Teaching Twentieth-Century Chinese Women’s Writing, to be edited by Amy Dooling. The purpose of the volume is to highlight key issues and pedagogical strategies for teaching modern Chinese literary texts by women authors. The volume will include information for specialists and nonspecialists alike who are teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. A section or sections devoted to teaching resources will include current scholarship, reference works, source materials (in the original and in translation), and relevant historical contexts.

Possible topics may include but are not limited to teaching in translation; constructing a women’s literary tradition; modern writers and their literary foremothers; twentieth-century discourses of women’s writing; female authors and the modern literary canon; classic twentieth-century women writers, such as Ding Ling and Zhang Ailing; lesser known authors, such as Chen Xuezhao, Qiu Miaojin, and Zheng Xiaoqiong; Chinese feminisms; literary forms and genres; literary activism; gender and sexuality; literary modernity; literary institutions; women’s literary magazines; writing as a profession; literary cosmopolitanism; women and the literary marketplace; and digital literature. Essays covering topics from all historical periods from the early twentieth century up to the present day are welcome, and those focusing on individual writers from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the global Chinese diaspora are especially encouraged.

If you are interested in contributing an essay of 3,000–3,500 words, please send an abstract (500 words) in which you outline your approach or topic and how it might enhance the teaching of Chinese women’s writing to Amy Dooling ( by 30 May 2015.

Please note that any quotations from student papers will require written permission from the students.